3 Things You Should Know About Wireless Displays

What should you know about wireless displays? Well to begin, wireless displays are gaining traction in a big way… More people are searching and buying wireless display solutions than ever before. So what’s all the buzz about?

Wireless displays in the workplace…

Wireless displays enable the BYOD movement. Business solutions (like Solstice!) allow for the wireless presentations from any device to a conference room display. This results are more efficient meetings with higher quality results. And that means more productivity.

In the classroom…
Wireless displays are unlocking never before seen levels of student engagement. It turns out, content-based collaboration among students and faculty drives results in the classroom.

And at home…

Consumer solutions (e.g. ChromecastRokuAmazon FireTV) are connecting mobile devices to the living room flat screens, laying the foundation for connected smarthomes.

In this infographic, we share the three things we think you should know about this new technology. But what, really, is the big deal? Well putting computers in nearly everyone’s pockets connected us all to each other but only through our small, individual screens. So the experience is a private one by nature (anyone that had sat across a table from someone staring at their phone screen knows too well how true this is). And that private, personal experience is not conducive to working together collaboratively and conflicts with our natural instincts as social creatures.

Here at Mersive we believe the next chapter in the story is about leveraging all the great information and content available from those personal mobile devices to create shared, collaborative experiences. Enter wireless displays. These solutions transform ordinary flat panel and projector display into shared infrastructure that allow users to share what’s on their private, personal screens to large-format displays in the room for others to collaborate around. Wireless displays leverage – and closes the loop on – mobile computing by allowing us to use the mobile devices we’ve all come to rely on to create shared, social experiences.