Mersive Minute – Network Integration

Mersive Minute - Network Integration

Watch Rick Muermman, Regional Consultant Liaison at Mersive to learn more about network integration and how to share wirelessly from any network to use Mersive Solstice Pods.

How Solstice Transforms Meetings and Drives Collaboration

How Solstice Transforms Meetings and Drives Collaboration

“The world’s modern problem sets really need modern data to solve them, but there wasn’t a way to be able bring all that content into the conference room during a decision-making session” Christopher Jaynes, Ph.D., Mersive CTO and Founder Solstice is a software that focuses on supporting in-room social interactions with collaborative technology.  Presentation-style meetings are […]

Mersive Solstice at the University of Warwick

Mersive Solstice at the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick opened the doors of The Oculus, its dedicated teaching and learning building, to the campus community in October of 2016.  This flagship building deployed state-of-the-art technology in every learning space, including new sound systems, visualizers, and of course, Solstice as the wireless presentation system. As students and instructors alike quickly discovered, Solstice […]

Solstice Calendar Integration

Solstice Calendar Integration

Solstice displays can be configured to integrate with third-party calendars to display room availability and enable a one-step start for any meeting. Users can see if the space is currently scheduled or available and the next three upcoming meetings in the space when no other content is being shared. Solstice supports integrations with Microsoft Exchange, […]

Case Study: Broward College Reviews Solstice Classroom BYOD Solution

Case Study: Broward College Reviews Solstice Classroom BYOD Solution Representatives from Broward College spoke at UBTech 2016 about integrating Solstice into their new science building. UBTech is an annual that highlights emerging trends in the IT and AV industries and how they are being used on higher education campuses. Michael Pullin, the Associate Dean of Science, Dave Peters, the […]

Mersive Solstice at the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick opened the doors of The Oculus, its dedicated teaching and learning building, to the campus community in October of 2016. This flagship building deployed state-of-the-art technology in every learning space, including new sound systems, visualizers, and of course, Solstice as the wireless presentation system. As students and instructors alike quickly discovered, Solstice […]

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